
Cakes In The 1960's

Decent Essays

In the 1960’s I think that the “Pineapple Upside Down cake, Lane cake and the Champagne cake” were the best cakes in America. Even though these cakes are from the 1960’s, they have a great taste and style. These cakes are still in magazines but from way back when we didn’t even have iphone’s. Also, some people still make these cakes today in our year and time. Some of these cakes have a really good history and why they were made. Some people don’t know who made it in the first place but, we still remember and have the recipes in the books. Making the cakes were a challenge in the 1960’s. Next, the lane cake was made first on February 4 before the other cakes.

I think the Lane cake was one of the best cakes because it had some great comments and it was shared to everyone. According to the text of the American …show more content…

In the text of the food history,”To get it’s shape the housewife used a cast iron skillet. Also, the cake was a invert cake.” First, Using a cast iron pan was a easy trick to put the fruits and the simple batter to cook. Then, when it’s done cooking your supposed to flip it over to see the fruit’s. Instead of using a oven for baking, in the 1960’s the people would put it over the fire to cook. But I don’t know how they made it so well back in the 1960’s. Second, the Pineapple Upside Down cake can’t be pineapple without pineapples. James Dole made a pineapple cutter machine, so that it would be easier to cut the pineapples for design and for style to get more credit for his views. This cake was published in a magazine. John Mariani says,” The Pineapple Upside Down cake was the creamiest and delicious cake i've ever tasted.” Third, the Pineapple Upside Down cake is a really old cake but a pretty and tasty cake. We don’t know how the housewife came up with an idea like the Upside Down cake but, were all glad that we still remember it

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