
California Groundwater Depletion : An Ever Increasing Issue

Decent Essays

Jeffrey Dotson
Period 6
12 April 2017

Main Claim: The state of California must prevent groundwater overuse by regulating groundwater use, making regulation telling farmers when and how to water crops, and improving aquifer water levels with new innovative technologies.

California Groundwater Depletion: An Ever Increasing Issue The state of California may run out of groundwater in as little as ten years. California is dependent on groundwater, and without it, it would be thrown into a statewide water crisis. So far, people do not know about this problem or do not care or believe in it. The state of California must prevent groundwater overuse by regulating groundwater use, making regulations telling farmers when and how to …show more content…

Some people say that if California were to stop using groundwater water prices would go up, and people do not want to pay for higher water prices. Unfortunately, water prices would go up, but this is the price we have to pay for not regulating groundwater use for the last fifty years. Most likely, when we would put new laws into effect, we would not totally discard groundwater, but groundwater would be a lesser percentage of the total plan. Also, this plan would help make us more conscientious about our groundwater use. Maybe it would cost a little more money, but is that more important than our aquifers having water for later generations? Groundwater depletion is becoming a growing risk, and if the Californian government does not do anything about it, it could become a disaster.
With our water aquifers running out of water fast and our farmer pumping out water as quickly as they can, our aquifers will not be able to replenish themselves fast enough to survive the constant water use, and if the Californian government were to just implement a law regulating how much water these farmers use, the state of California may be one step closer to solving the problem of groundwater depletion. Currently, when a farmer digs a well in California, they have no limitations on how much water they use nor do they have to tell anybody how much groundwater they use (Pool). In California, farmers use eighty percent of the state 's groundwater, and without the

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