
The Effects Of Groundwater On California Water Supply Essay

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The almost total development of California was made possible only because of two main water sources: surface water, or water that gathers on the ground, such as rivers and streams; and the groundwater, which is pumped out from the ground. The area also ignites interest on producing a small amount of desalinated water, which is still too expensive to be widely applied.
Undoubtedly, Groundwater plays a significant role in California water supply. During a normal year, 30% of the state 's water supply comes from groundwater. In times of extreme drought, groundwater consumption can rise to 60% or more. Even though groundwater is more evenly distributed, over half of the groundwater is unable to be extracted due to the high pumping cost. The largest groundwater reservoirs are found in the Central Valley, with the majority of the supply existing as runoff that seeps into the aquifer.
The Sierra Nevada snowpack feeds Central Valley river systems and is a critical source of water in the state 's long dry season. Up to 30 percent of California 's water supply is from snowpack. Much of California 's extensive reservoir and aqueduct system is designed to store and capture runoff from the Central Valley watershed. The Central Valley watershed provides most of the water for Northern and Central California, as well as a significant proportion of Southern California 's usage.
Rain refills California 's water reservoir, typically falling in California only during the winter and spring

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