
Call Of Levi Writing Assignment

Decent Essays

The pericope I chose for this writing assignment is The Call of Levi (Matthew). This coloring assists me to answer the synoptic problem because it demonstrates how Mark, Luke, and Matthew are very similar to each other, yet commonly different in their own way. In this essay, I will firstly explain why I think Mark was composed first. Secondly, I will elaborate on why I think Matthew was written second. To close, I'll expand on why I think Luke was compiled last. Firstly, most of the time Matthew and Luke agree with Mark using the actual words. They never agree with each other when their idea differed from Mark. For example, when Mark said, “sitting at the tax office" (2:14), both Matthew and Luke used the exact words. However, we see when they disagree with Mark, they both use different phrases to get their main point across in a nutshell. For instance, Matthew said “why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?" (9:11) and Luke said "why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?" (5:30). To me, this seems to prove that both Matthew and Luke depended on Mark to get their information. Since mark has a …show more content…

Reasons for my thinking is that his passage was very close to Mark’s style of writing. His passage possess a copy of Marks’ gospel. His order, words, events and description drew the majority of Marks’ material. To emphasize, Matthew excluded what he thought was unnecessary, but managed to capture a great amount of data that was incorporated in Mark’s passage. To clarify, Mark said, “For when he sat at table in his table, many tax collectors and sinners were sitting with Jesus and his disciples; for there were many who followed him” (2:15). In addition, Matthew summarized that exact idea in a single phrase. By recognizing the material that Matthew adds, omits, and rearrange in his piece, we have to appreciate his uniqueness and agree that he composed his gospel after

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