
Callaway Case Study

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Callaway Case Study Questions: 1. Evaluate Callaway 's strategy from 1988-1997. What factors contributed to its success? How strong is the Callaway brand at the end of 1997? Is Callaway well positioned?

The transformation from a niche producer to an innovation powerhouse!

Important factors:

Ely Callaway:
• a powerful motivator
• defined the company 's culture
• Characteristics: charming, feisty, optimistic, energetic, and inspirational
golf club champion at 20
• three-handicap golfer at 40

Richard Helmstetter: a billiard cue stick expert, became CGC 's vice president and chief of new products in 1986.

The development of the unique clubhead model S2H2 in 1988 transferred the weight from a place where …show more content…

3. Concentrate on training and developing of salespeople and spokespeople
These two groups have more ability to educate consumers about new products and their benefits. In my opinion it is very important because the consumers get very confused as CGC provides so many different products that actually have different benefits. As the products get upgraded people who work with them should be also upgraded to be able to communicate the message as clear as possible.

4. Investing heavily on promotion and advertising campaigns
Keep spending money on advertising. CGC should try to stick and develop on particular pro to make him or her a new Tiger Woods, that would not only bring attention to the company but might also attract more people to the sport itself. The company looks big enough to hold its own tournaments that would also bring more people.

5. CGC should implement volume discount policies
By practicing volume discount policies CGC might encourage buyer to order products in large volumes

6. The company should focus on using its previous models more efficiently
Old models take a large percentage of companys inventory what creates unnecessary costs. CGC should move these models to new markets that recently adopted Golf as a sport.

3. What is the market opportunity you see for the future? Who is Callaway’s target audience? Is it big enough to help turn sales around?

In 1986, there were 20

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