
Camp Mentor Reflection

Decent Essays

On the first day, I met the instructors for the camp and the other mentors I was going to be working with for the duration of the summer camp. Thando, Henry, and Zach were the other student mentors. Thando and Henry had already mentored at the summer camps and Zach was mentoring for the first time. I also met the WSU teachers running the camp: Gary Brooking from the BioEngineering department, Perkeler Tam Tam from EE, Kara McClusky from ENGT, and Deepak Gupta. The first thing we did at the camp was introduce ourselves. There were 25 kids total ranging from grades 9 to 12. They all introduced themselves and told us what engineering or science they were most interested in. Most of them said they were undecided, unsurprisingly. After the introductions, we went on to do an ice breaker activity that Gary planned. …show more content…

I am in an environment that I am not normally- the role of mentor and a teacher to these summer camp kids. I am normally learning from other people but now I get to share what I know and my own experiences that may help these soon-to-be college students. There are a lot of students in this camp so I probably will not get to know every single one of them (although this is a 4 day summer camp). I think as long as I am active and engaged and present the return will be greater. Convergent Thinking I feel as though these kids are more easier to relate than what I originally thought. Most of them are age 14-17 so they're all teenagers. I'm 21 years old so I'm not too much older. I also understand that they are still a few years from college so they may or may not be thinking about it yet. I also noticed that some kids are very into robotics, programming, and science while there are others who much more neutral or apathetic about the subject. I need to keep these things in mind when I am explaining something or assisting these students. Cognitive

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