
Camping Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Camping is a fun recreational activity that allows you to enjoy the outdoors, usually amidst all that Mother Nature has to offer. People go camping in a forest, national park, in the woods, near a river or lake, and can stay there for one or more nights. There are private campgrounds as well that are privately owned by people who encourage campers to come and enjoy the nature with them. Camping trips can be fun when organized properly.
There are many questions that you might want to ask as a new camper. Following is a list of common questions that every beginner for camping will ask. I'll recommend not to take up camping, until you get all your questions answered and understand the requirements what all is expected.
Where Do I Camp?
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If you camp in wilderness, you will need to carry a tent, a cooler for your camping food and drinks, sleeping bags and pads, cooking supplies like charcoal and spatula, kettle, cups, plates, spoons and a pot or two. You can buy all the camping gear in sports store or at Walmart. Don't buy expensive equipment as you are not yet experienced in taking care of them.
If you camp at public campgrounds, there is a good chance that you will get a grill or a barbecue and all the cooking ingredients from the camp store. Aside from that, you will have to carry the other necessities like clothes, tents, sleeping bags, from home with you.
What Clothes Do I Carry While Camping?
Make sure that you wear full sleeves while camping. It is important to carry some sweaters with you so that you are protected in case it becomes cold at night in the woods. It is better to take some extra change of clothes with you. Rain gear is also important, so be sure to bring a poncho and an umbrella. You will also want to have plenty of extra socks; in case the ones you are wearing get wet.
How To Set Up A camp?
While setting up your camp, you will have to consider a lot of things. Pitching tents at an elevated spot is essential, but make sure that you don't select a spot on a slope. It would be best to choose a spot close to a water source like a spring to avoid wasting time in getting water. While looking for the above two conditions when setting up your tent, also look

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