
Camus On Contradictions

Decent Essays

¨We know that we live in contradiction, but we also know that we must refuse this contradiction and do what is needed to reduce it¨ . This quote is talking about how we live in the words with a lot of bad thing going on and we must stop it. Also, it tells you that we know what we should do to stop it. Albert Camus is trying to convey that try to reduce contradiction in live. Don´t just let it pass by. Even, if you don't have a contradiction right now. You will have one someday. So, help people who are in contradiction and your contradiction may take place later. Camus is a good French philosopher, author, journalist in early 1900s.Yes, America needs more empathy in 2016. This is because a part of your brain recognizes a lack of empathy and …show more content…

This specific part of your brain is called the the right supramarginal gyrus. When this brain region doesn't function properly—or when we have to make particularly quick decisions—the researchers found one’s ability for empathy is dramatically reduced.They can use their brain for things such as inventing stuff, caring for other, and not fighting, because fighting doesn’t solve anything. It just make people more angry. Camus’s believes that empathy is caring about others.Americans believe that empaty is about felling, sharing, and caring about others. Camus and Americans think of empathy almost the same way. ISIS definitely needs more empathy because he keeps fighting which just makes it more fighting and before you know everyone in the world will be dead including ISIS.Empathy is all about understanding and sharing your feeling in the brain, caring about others, and showing positive actions rather than negative …show more content…

It should be taught in primary school by teachers in cooperation with the pupils' families. Kids are encouraged to learn new computer programs, to solve tough mathematics problems, and to play new music instruments. America needs to be more empathic in 2016,so we can live happily.They should be encouraged to become empathic people who empathize with problems of the family members, their classmates, and their acquaintances.By doing so, we would make our lives much more meaningful and joyful. On the contrary, insensitivity and indifference to others’ agony and suffering will end up being in a robot world where people live without any feeling. I believe we all have a bit of empathy in our hearts. Please let it

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