
Can Cinderella And Elsa Convince Children To Eat Vegetables?

Decent Essays

In the article “Can Cinderella and Elsa convince kids to eat vegetables?”by Abha Bhattarai, the author discusses how Disney and other food companies are hoping to influence the way families around the world eat. Disney and other companies have designed ways to encourage families with children to change their eating habits. These companies’ strategies are to put characters who will appeal to children on food items and will cause parents to buy the product. Driving past the bright yellow capital M and craving those salty french fries, the car veers into the drive through waiting to order the quick happy meal. Fast food is cheap and easy to grab, but it is not necessarily healthy. In “Can Cinderella and Elsa convince kids to eat vegetables?” …show more content…

Instead of going to a drive through twice a week for greasy burgers you can always find better options. Disney and Dole have now noticed that it is not the food that is attracting the children, it is the design of the bags or boxes and toys. Now at the local grocery store the five year old child spots the bright blue bag of grapes with Elsa on it, he or she is now crying for those grapes just as much as they were begging for the happy meal. Next you’re picking which flavor of ice cream you want but there Mickey Mouse is with a Dole smoothie in his hand. Yes the companies are promoting healthier living and trying to improve eating habits but is that the actual motive?
There are companies who want families to starting eating healthier and there are companies who just want the money. Disney and Dole expresses the way they feel and say what they want, which is to change eating habits and to lower percentage rates of obesity. One thing they didn’t say though is, why? Why do they care? Why do they want to lower the percentage rates? If it’s not promoted in a positive way it can leave one questioning the motive. Yes, we see the characters on Dole’s products along other food products but each item that is sold they are getting money back.
In the article “Can Cinderella and Elsa convince kids to eat vegetables?”by Abha Bhattarai, the author discusses how Disney and other food companies are hoping to influence the way families around the world eat.

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