
Essay about Can a Job Really Change Your Life?

Decent Essays

Imagine yourself as a teenager, how it would feel to have your first job? For a teenager like me having a job means that you have marked your transition from childhood to adulthood. It also means that you are independent and do not have to rely entirely on your family for money. During the summer I made several hundred dollars a week by working. Getting my paycheck every two weeks felt so rewarding because I was making money on my own.
Towards the end of my freshman year, I received an email from the Newark Museum; I had been accepted into the paid-internship Science Program. During the interview for this position the supervisor was astonished by my academic achievements, the awards I’ve won during my Girl’s Varsity Basketball …show more content…

It was an honor speaking with her and having her tell me some valuable advice about women’s basketball since I’m looking forward to playing women’s college basketball in the future. One thing Sue Wicks told me that truly inspired me was, “Playing college basketball requires a lot of hard-work. Having the opportunity to play college basketball isn’t given to you in your hands; it’s given to you by your performance on the court.” As a member of the Girl’s Varsity Basketball team, this quote has truly inspired me because I wanted to become just like her; playing college basketball after high school, volunteering my time working with kids, and being inducted into the Hall of Fame. This job taught me how to become an independent woman and how to work strongly as a team player. Because of this job I started learning how to take the bus to and from work, how to manage my time wisely and how to manage my money. It was very stressful at the beginning trying to accommodate work and school at the same time but I made sure that the heavy amount of schoolwork I had didn’t interfere with my work. As months passed, I became member of the National Honor Society, part of the Historian committee, and was working with my supervisor as an assistant. Being the historian for the National Honor Society means that one have to take notes, pictures, and

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