
Cannabis In Canada

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Cannabis use, though still somewhat stigmatized in the media, is among one of the fastest growing trends in Canada among youths and adults alike. The evidence I have gathered through statistical analysis and secondary research shows that cannabis has become the recreational drug of choice among Canadians. This is due to a host of factors. One of these factors is a record breaking positive public perception of cannabis among Canadians. The way the public perceives a drug is very important, and for something as taboo as cannabis to be accepted by the public and the media takes time and effort. This struggle to increase the positive perception of cannabis among Canadians has paid off greatly, displayed in national surveys where …show more content…

Another factor is the actual use of the drug itself. Cannabis is not only popular in public polls and surveys, but its use is becoming more and more prevalent. Government studies show that cannabis use in Canada leads the world, and has surpassed every other illicit drug combined. Cannabis is not only popular among adults, but youth also. The youth of this nation are its future, and when something like cannabis is widespread among modern teens, its acceptance in current and future societies is almost guaranteed. I saw that not only is cannabis popular among Canadian youths, but that Canada leads the developed world in cannabis use among teens. This shows a growing trend of cannabis use and acceptance among contemporary Canadian society, and in some provinces, it’s more prevalent and accepted than others. With the data that I collected, provided by the government of Canada and various third party institutions, I have come to the conclusion that not only has cannabis become the recreational drug of choice among Canadians (excluding alcohol), but that its popularity is growing every day. Key terms: …show more content…

Sandberg, S. (2011, August 3) The Department of Sociology and Human Geography in Norway did a study on the public perception of marijuana among Norwegians who part take. A study done on 100 cannabis users saw that their perception of the drug was either neutral or positive. Unlike tobacco users or alcoholics, cannabis users don’t see much of a problem with using weed (another slang term for cannabis). They don’t seem to understand that smoking this product can have similar effects on their lungs as cigarettes (though not as destructive). The idea that teens do drugs to rebel against society is actually un-true, the exact opposite is true. When cannabis is talked about so positively in the media and among politicians, it actually makes teenagers think the drug is safe and subconsciously encourages them to do it. Alcohol and cigarettes aren’t looked at so positively in society, and thus the use of these drugs among youths is falling dramatically (yes, even alcohol). They see these drugs as life threatening, manmade chemicals ingested by older folk, while cannabis is seen as this great, all natural remedy to many ailments in life (depression, anxiety, appetite loss, insomnia, etc). Though much of marijuana’s positive attributes are supported by science, there are some misconceptions that leave teens with the wrong ideas about cannabis, such as marijuana has no negative mental effects on the user. This lax approach to the

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