
Capital Punishment Essay: Ethical Issue Of The Death Penalty

Decent Essays

My chosen ethical issue is the death penalty.
The death penalty, also called capital punishment, is a sentence or punishment of death by execution. The government or state usually executes a person because they have committed a serious crime. Executions can be done by:
Electrocution - Person is put on an electric chair that sends out a strong source of electricity to their head and legs.
Lethal injection - The person is poisoned with a mix of chemicals that are injected into their body while they are unconscious.
Firing squad - A small group of people shoot the prisoner with rifles.
Hanging - The person has a rope tied around their neck and they are dropped from a height.
Stoning - Stones are thrown at the person until they die.
Decapitation/Beheading - Person has their head cut off with a sharp blade such as a sword or guillotine. …show more content…

Cyanide or nitrogen gas is produced in the chamber to cut off oxygen to their brain.

Capital punishment has been used in almost every part of the world, but many countries have since abolished it. Out of the 195 independent states that have links to the UN, as of July 2015 102 have abolished it, 7 have abolished it but retain it for exceptional circumstances, 50 retain it but have not used it for at least 10 years, and 36 retain it both in law and practice.

The death penalty is very much an ethical issue. Ethical can be defined as ‘of, relation to, or dealing with ethics’ and ethics can be defined as ‘moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour or the conductions of an activity.’ Capital punishment is an ethical issue because of the general moral issues of punishment in conjunction with the problem of whether it is ever morally right to deprive a human of life.
In this report I am going to analyse the Catholic response to the ethical issue of the death penalty.

Pros of The Death

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