
Care of the Older Person Essay

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How can nurses ensure that older people are treated with respect and dignity whist being cared for in hospital or in the community?

The aim of the following essay is to explore how nurses can ensure that

older people are treated with respect and dignity whist being cared for in

hospital or the community. The essay will seek to gain an understanding

of the biopsychosocial influences associated with dignity which affect the

older person.

Age concern describe dignity to mean that everyone is treated and

receives the care that meets their needs which enables them to live their

life how they want (age concern 2008). it is important that health care

professionals are aware of the ethical and non-ethical values …show more content…

Respecting the individual;
Intermediate care; Providing evidence-based specialist care and
Promoting an active, healthy life.
The NSF makes it clear that in the past older people and their carers were not always treated with respect or with dignity. It than goes on to suggest that delivering good care for older people in hospital requires that staff have the appropriate skills and experience. This care should be underpinned by fundamental principles that promote dignity (Webster

Within the UK the nursing code of professional conduct states that

registered nurses must respect they patients and promote and protect the

interests and dignity of patients at all times this emphasises the

importance of respecting the patient as an individual, (Nursing and

Midwifery Council (NMC) 2008).

The care of the older patient involves special expertise for many reasons such as physiological ageing and the effects of medication may alter the disease presentation; pre-existing conditions may make self-care more difficult and the incidence of depression and dementia more common; and arranging social support for successful discharge requires complex skills. While a patient may have been admitted with a physical problem, emotional issues are often also present,

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