
Careless Tendencies : Comedic Tragedies

Decent Essays

Careless Tendencies leads to Comedic Tragedies
My careless tendency started to appear around the time my older sister had just turn sixteen. She had driven me to a church event that evening. At some early point in the night, she asked me to run out to the car and get something she had left in the trunk. She tossed the keys to me as I started for the door, yelling after me to make sure and bring them back. After fetching the item, our evening went on without a hitch, that is until we tried to leave. Standing by the car, my sister realized her keys were not in her purse. We both went back into the church and franticly looked everywhere. After about twenty minutes of searching, we sat down and tried to remember the last person to see them: me. I was the last person to have them, and of course I left them in the trunk. Thankfully we were only twenty minutes away from home, where my mum had just gotten home. She willingly, albeit not happily, drove the spare key to us. Although everything worked out fine, it was given that I was not trusted with the keys for long while afterwards.
My family was forced to change their habit of not trusting me with the keys when I started learning to drive. In no time at all I was driving myself, and therefore had to keep track of my own keys. As one might guess, I have bombed this responsibility more than just the once, often quite epically. The first of these fantastic fails happened after a forty-two hour shift at the fire department. Getting

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