
Caribbean American Women

Decent Essays

Carole Boyce Davies discussion on Zora Neale Hurston’s essay “How It Feels to be Colored Me” she uses posits Hurston’s proffering to travel “piece of the way” with visitors as new way of thinking about the periphery in academia . Beginning her chapter “Coming to Terms with Theory,” Boyce expresses how outdates and inefficient the current theoretical practices have become. She states that scholars are intellectually trapped by the hierarchical systems within scholarship. Her main critique comes from the reality of upcoming scholars having to laboriously quote Euro-American male scholars in order to establish them within their field. Under this standard what we find is that in the constant referencing of these European scholars the racial and cultural hierarchy of western society is sustained. Boyce suggests that common favoring of European scholarly contributions reinforces structural biases towards the consciousness of those in the periphery. As a result, western epistemology is continues to drive current scholarship through its standardization. And, moreover, is falsely and forcibly applied to the estranged consciousnesses. The standardization of European scholarship places limitations of how the marginal subject can articulate its existence. Barbara Christian’s “The Race for Theory” asks “For whom are we doing what we are doing when we do literary criticism?” Davies would respond to this query by stating that current scholarship is writing to and for the center. Based on

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