
Essay about Carl Gustav Jung

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Carl Gustav Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and

founder of the school of analytical psychology. He

proposed and developed the concepts of the

extroverted and introverted personality,

archetypes, and the collective unconscious. The

issues that he dealt with arose from his personal

experiences. For many years Jung felt as if he had

two separate personalities. One introverted while

the other was extroverted. This interplay results in

his study of integration and wholeness. His work

has been influential not only in psychology, but in

religion and literature as well. Jung was born on

July 26, 1875 in Kesswil, Switzerland, the only

son of a Protestant clergyman. At the age of four

his family moved to Basel. His childhood was a …show more content…

When Jung

published "Psychology and the Unconscious"

which went against some of Freud's ideas the

relationship was finished forever. In 1912

"Symbols and Transformations of the Libido" was

published. Jung wanted to understand the

symbolic meaning of the contents of the

unconscious. In order to distinguish between

individual psychology and psychoanalysis Jung

gave his discipline the name "analytical

psychology." After a break with the start of WWI,

Jung wrote the book "Psychological Types". It set

the differences between his position and that of

Freud. Jung became more interested in the study

of mythological and religious symbolism. His

studies took him across the globe observing many

different cultures. He was interested in tracing the

analogies between the contents of the unconscious

in Western man and the myths, cults, and rituals of

primitive peoples. Jungian therapy deals with

dreams and fantasies. A discussion is set up

between the conscious and the contents of the

unconscious. When the therapy works the patient

enters an individuation process. This consists of

psychological transformations ending in the

opposite tendencies working together to achieve

personal wholeness. Jung's total amount of work is

very large. It is estimated at 200 papers. An

edition of his Collected Works in English was

completed in 1972 by the Bollingen Foundation

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