
Carpentered World Theory

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In the textbook, it mentions of a term called “Carpentered World Theory” and this term basically means “that it is a perception about how individual’s at least most American individuals see things that are shaped in a form of a rectangle unconsciously” (Juang & Matsumoto, Chapter 5, pg. 122). In my opinion, this is really unique to think about. I have never really thought about this before. As for the lecture notes, it mentions how our culture is used to seeing objects as well as items in a rectangle shape. This is true; we see rectangle shapes all the time while driving from place to place. For example would be the rectangle shape high-ways signs that we notice driving past them. Another example would signs that say do not turn right on red, …show more content…

208). As stated within the textbook, “The seven basic emotions consist of: Disgust, Anger, Fear, Sadness, Contempt, Surprise as well as Joy” (Juang & Matsumoto, Chapter 8, pg. 215). In addition, “Possible Trigger Events, Behavior as well as scanning are part of the Model of Emotion” (Juang & Matsumoto, Chapter 8, pg. 208). When it comes to emotions, there are all sorts of emotions individuals experience based on certain events that are happening and how they all react differently to those events. My personal heartbreaking experience will explain the three parts of model of emotions. On October 29th, 2015, I went in for an Anatomy scan to see my baby. However, as the lady was doing the ultrasound she told me that my baby boy passed away. My emotions were sadness to the point I was shedding tears. The event of finding out that my baby inside me passed away triggered the emotions of sadness. When it comes to scanning, in my opinion as soon as the ultrasound lady told me that my baby boy passed away I was trying to piece together is this really happening and trying to come up with any possible solutions on why this happened, however; I nor the Doctor know why my baby passed away. In my opinion that would be an example of scanning. As for behavior, my reactions after I found out are that I didn’t want to leave the bed. I just wanted to stay in the bed and cry. I didn’t really want to eat but I had too. This would be an example of behavior that was triggered by this heartbreaking event. I am still heartbroken about losing my baby for which I have to deliver him on November 1st at the hospital, however; I am trying to cope with loving family and friends by my side

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