
Case Analysis : Business Law

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Courtney Brinkley Business Law – BUSI561 Case Analysis Liberty University What should you do about continuing to do business with Marshall? The bible says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths” (Proverbs3:5-6). After weighting my options between the offer made by the company in Texas and my current business deal, I have decide that it is best for me to discontinue doing business with Marshall. It saddens me to make this decision, but I believe Marshall and I have two different agendas. I have been nothing less than loyal, caring and compassionate when it comes to him and our business relationship. Marshall has been late numerous of times and I refrained from charging him late fees or penalties. He completely disregards the 30 day invoice payment and pays between 45 and 60 days. This act alone should have been a red flag for me, but I gave him the benefit of doubt. Not only does he violates the invoice, but he has broken my level of trust with him. Marshall had my son, a minor at the time, sign a contract behind my back with no intentions on informing me. How can I continue doing business with him if he isn’t trustworthy? Now I’m beginning to question his motive and his character after displaying this type of behavior. However, I can understand his frustration with me deciding to cut business ties and expand to another company that is willing to pay me twice

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