
Case Study 2.4 Arts As Healing: Expressive Arts Therapy

Decent Essays

2.4 Arts as healing: The Expressive Arts Therapy
The empirical researches provided information about different interventions including positive and supportive approaches and arts interventions. These were important an effective in encouraging communication (social interaction) and enhancing self-image for the hearing-impaired population. Although the hearing-impaired population experienced hardship in language learning, arts provided another channel of communication and expression for them to connect with the society.

Considering the findings from the previous study, The Expressive Arts Therapy intervention introduced in the case study in this dissertation was designed, arranged and developed from the previous findings.
Halgin and McEntee (1986) pointed out that before meeting a hearing-impaired client in a psychotherapy session, the therapist was required to modify their perception of the hearing-impaired population, to adjust and apply a suitable theoretical psychological approach, and to choose an effective method for the client (p.496). It is important to develop appropriate and effective interventions to match the needs of the client. Therefore, in this case study, Expressive Arts Therapy and a positive psychology approach with strength-based were chosen for the client according to his …show more content…

According to the definition of the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (n.d.), “Expressive Arts combine the visual arts, movement, drama, music, writing and other creative processes to foster deep personal growth and community development. It evolves multimodal approach within psychology, organizational development, community arts and education. By integrating the arts to our inner resources for healing, clarity, illumination and creativity.” As to provide quality and ethical Expressive Arts Therapy, only Registered Expressive Arts Therapist who received professional training and supervision can practice Expressive Arts

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