
Case Study : A Day At The End Of Chapter 1 Essay

Better Essays

DPM 101

Assignment 1- Case study analysis - 40% of final mark 1. Read the case, A Day in the Life, at the end of Chapter 1 of your recommended textbook.
2. Provide your view, with reference to what you’ve read about project management so far, on the following:
• How effective do you think Rachel is as a project manager given the evidence of the case study? Give reasons for your answer.
• How does Rachel’s day fit with your understanding of what project management is all about? Give reasons for your answer.
• What would you do differently? Give reasons for your answer.

Project managers always have been challenged to produce results, but the modern day project manager must produce them in a timely manner without compromising technological and social changes. The project manager needs to anticipate change and set aggressive, forward-thinking objectives in order to make changes occur to be controlled in their environment.
After reading the case study it appears that Rachel is a proactive professional with some experience and is head strong about her project. After the first read it would seem that Rachel is more involved in socialising and time wasting. I read the article 3 times to understand what is required of Rachel in her position. One has to understand how her day unfolds and there are things that she did which are not time specific in the article.
The following findings were made about Rachel’s day activities after reading “A Day In The Life”;

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