
Case Study: A Furniture Designer For Universal Furniture International

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1.Answer Case Problem #4 on page 36 (Chapter 3) A furniture designer for Universal Furniture International started with a design for the furniture from the public domain, but then he mixed and changed the furniture style enough that they were two original pieces. UFI placed copyright on the style as a result of it. The company, Collezione Europe USA looked at the two furniture lines and produced copies that were incredibly similar. Even the UFI’s vice president could not recognize which were the imitations and which were the originals. CE’s imitations infringed on UFI’s copyrights. CE’s copies were cheaper than UFI’s originals which placed CE at a business advantage. Based on the facts stated, CE did not have the right to imitate the furniture designs of UFI. CE …show more content…

The couple signed the proposal agreeing to follow through with everything in it and pay Ullrhahn. The couple failed to pay. When a “party” fails to perform the obligations mentioned under a contract, it is termed as a breach of conduct. In such an instance of failure or refusal to perform, the law allows that the other party may take an appropriate action to obtain the damages so caused, or may enforce performance by the party breaking the contract. 3. Answer Case Problems #1 on pages 66 (Chapter 6) Larry Horton had accepted the deal because he made the first payment of $500, which means that, agreed by the offer made by Commercial Recovery Systems Inc., one fact arises here is that there was no acceptance in writing by Larry for the offer made by CRS. The offer can be accepted in any manner that is reasonable under the circumstances. Usually the mode of expressing the assent is not consequential as long as it successfully makes the offer known to the offeror that his offer has been accepted. It is agreeable that acceptance may be shown by conduct. 4. Answer Case Problem #6 on page 76 (Chapter

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