
Case Study: Applicable Nursing Theory

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Introduction (by Lam So Ying, (1670294))

The single mother, suffered from tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), was died the day’s weeks ago. She left a daughter who is also suffering from TSC. They are from low-income family, and difficult to afford the cost of medication called Afinitor. Fortunately, the drug may be subsidized under Samaritan Fund, which benefit for low-income family.

The case scenario would be focused on the daughter in order to solve the problems that she will be facing. She is a 13-year-old little girl, and become an orphan after her mother was dead.

According to World Health Organization, adolescent are aged between 10 and 19. And a Hungarian psychologist named Mihaly Csikszentminhalyi (2017) said, adolescent changes …show more content…

After her mother was died, she no longer have anything, everythings are destroyed by the change (Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2017). The daughter may result in big bereavement reaction since the death of her mother, her only relative (Shear, Reynolds III, Simon, & Zisook, 2017). For that, grief feeling is produced due to the response of bereavement and she may feel a numerous of negative feeling (Shear, Reynolds III, Simon, & Zisook, 2017).

Regard to the bereavement issue, Worden theory is used for the daughter. The purpose is to moves from passive phase of grief to active task of mourning (Buglass, 2010). The theory have 4 tasks, i.e. To accept the reality of the loss (Rochelle Perper, Ph.D., 2015). Then, to process the pain of grief (Rochelle Perper, Ph.D., 2015). Thirdly, to adjust a world without the deceased (Rochelle Perper, Ph.D., 2015). Fourthly, to find out how to stay emotionally connected with the deceased and keep moving on in their own life in the same time (Counselling Tutor, …show more content…

The ability of the bereaved to adjust to the life without the deceased depends on the relationship with the deceased since the deceased often played a significant role in family, for example, decision-making role (Worden, 2008). With the loss of dominating figure in family, the bereaved may not be able to tackle the problem independently as they need to take on new roles and responsibilities. Therefore, problem-solving therapy is the essential element for the bereaved to deal with the negative experiences.

Following the framework suggested by D’Zurilla and Nezu (2007), the skill of problem-solving can be enhanced. Problem-solving therapy (PST) is a cognitive behavioral intervention which aims at training in adaptive problem-solving attitudes and skills. The procedure of problem-solving approach can be separated into seven steps. The first step is problem orientation, which can reflect the general awareness and appraisal of the problem. It is also deemed as the initiation of problem-solving process, in which, the problem-solving ability of the bereaved can be examined. Second, problem definition, which is the capability to define the problem clearly and accurately. Third, the bereaved can identify the desired outcome in goal setting stage. Forth, a range of possible and creative alternatives to achieve the goal should

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