
Case Study: Cajun Association For Legalization Of Marijuana

Decent Essays

Renuka Koritala 1/31/18 MC3080 Paper #1 An advocacy group called Cajun Association for Legalization of Marijuana that has always had peaceful protests has now started a conversation among the community regarding their events continuing too late into the night and many noise complaints have been filed. In order to address these concerns two councilmen have proposed drafts that that could be deemed unconstitutional because of their violation of the First Amendment right of freedom of speech, but the drafts may also be supporting the right to preserve the peace in the city by regulating the noise or time of the event. The Cajun Association for Legalization of Marijuana (CALM) has been advocating for the legalization of marijuana in the community with small protests that have never had any issues of violence or crowd control. The community has since brought complaints to the city regarding the noise level that it causes for them and how late they in the night these events tend to go. This issue does result in questioning if this event is disrupting the peace of the community, which could be considered a violation of those citizens of the city’s First Amendment right to have peace and people assemble peacefully. …show more content…

This clearly sounds like it could potentially cause issues for the citizens because these events could be loud and a disturbance of peace and sleep because of the odd hours of the protest, but not because of what CALM is standing for. But if the government were to try to prevent CALM from protesting, to better the peace for the other citizens, it could be a violation of their right to free speech and right to peacefully

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