JPMorgan Chase & Co. origins back to 1799 when it was firstly chartered in New York City. JPMorgan Chase& Co. today encompasses more than 1,200 banks and credit institutions. As global economy leader, it’s most important firms — J.P. Morgan, Chase Manhattan, Chemical, Bank One, First Chicago, and National Bank of Detroit gave a solid contribution to the finance innovation and the growth of the United States and the rest of the world.
Clients and Consumer JPMorgan Chase & Co. is a financial holding company which provide commercial and consumer banking services under the Chase brand. The commercial banking activities across business credit, commercial term lending and more. The consumer activities include credit cards, small businesses, auto finance, education finance, and merchant services. The company provides financial services to corporations, governments, individuals, and institutional investors under its J.P. Morgan brand. It also offers financial transaction processing, asset management and private equity services.
JPMorgan Chase & Co has been able to remain competitive since its inception in 1933 by faithfully following the founder Mr. J.P. Morgan Junior legacy whose business slogan was: “I should state that at all times, the idea of doing only first-class business, and that in a first class way, has been before our minds” (Market Line, 2016, p. 53). Back in 2004 the management strategically decided that in order to remain a
Target Corporation’s (NYSE:TGT) share price declined nearly 7.5% in the last month alone, amid the potential threat of higher taxes from Donald Trump’s new administration. Aside from higher taxes, the company looks in a very solid position to expand its profitability and dividends.
In 1871, the banking house of Drexel, Morgan & Co. was established by John Pierpont Morgan. "Twenty four years later it was renamed J.P. Morgan & Co., which it was to remain until the firm's purchase by Chase Manhattan in 2000. (Hughes 23) At this point, Chase Manhattan was the largest banking company in the United States. This was a far cry from the 1980's when Morgan "boasted the largest market capitalization of any American bank and was more expensive to buy than Citicorp. (Hughes 11)" While J.P. Morgan could not imagine the path banking would take in the U.S. with his passing in 1913; his banking house would have a strong hold on American banking for much of the 20th century. The introduction of bank holding companies and certain laws
Target Corporation was founded in 1902 in Minneapolis as the Dayton Dry Goods Company, though the first Target store was opened in 1962 in nearby Roseville, Minnesota. Not until 1995, was the first Super Target was built. In 1999 Target launched their website Target grew and eventually became the largest division of Dayton Hudson Corporation, culminating in the company being renamed as Target Corporation in August 2000. The Corporation became a major retailing power house with $52.6 billion in revenues from 1,397 stores in 47 states by 2005. Realizing a 12.1% sales growth over the past five years target had announced plans to continue its growth by opening
The largest six publically traded banks in the United States who are FDIC insured account for seventy-eight percent of the market, while the top four account for sixty-eight percent of the market. These top six banks include: Wells Fargo and Company, JPMorgan Chase and Company, Bank of American, Citigroup, US Bancorp, and PNC Financial Services. Wells Fargo, the market share leader, holds over twenty-percent of the market with JPMorgan Chase falling just under twenty percent (Oja, 2015). The top four banks as listed above, accounted for almost half of the revenue, at nearly two hundred and eighteen billion dollars. The top eight banks, of the eighty-one, managed an astonishing seventy-five percent of the total revenue for all banks (Oja, 2015). These other two banks were Branch Banking and Trust Corporation (BB&T) and SunTrust Banks and the total revenue in 2014 were at four hundred and forty-three billion dollars. Specifically, as of 2014, JPMorgan Chase
In spite of this abhorrent cupidity, JPMorgan Chase & Co stands firm in their moral values. In their renowned philanthropy, professed conservative ideologies, and intellectual prowess, Chase
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Chase Bank is a national bank and constitutes the consumer and commercial subsidiary of JP Morgan Chase. Chase Bank traces its origins to Manhattan Bank, created by Aaron Burr (The History of JP Morgan Chase & Co., 2008, p.2). Chase was the first tenant at the Rockefeller Center and was later on led by David Rockefeller in the 1960’s (Wilson, 1986, p.87). The famous Bank One became part of Chase in 2014, and the regrettable Washington Mutual, under receivership, was sold to Chase at a bargain during the crisis of 2008 (The History of JP Morgan Chase & Co., 2008, p.19).
JP Morgan Chase has contributed $3 million to help boost economic development in black and minority businesses. The money will be channeled through the Valley Economic Development Centers (VEDC) in New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles. According to their website, the VEDC oversees a National African American Small Business Loan Fund specifically designed to help "minority-owned businesses in these cities and help them serve low-income communities by providing them with greater access to capital, technical assistance and financial consulting." The VEDC has a goal of establishing a $30 million loan fund. The $3 million from JP Morgan Chase makes a significant mark toward that
- their information-based system collects and analyzes the information which helps them market to their customers as it attracts various aspects of customer's needs
JP Morgan Chase is a leading player in the global financial services: JPMC has operations in over 100 countries and serves various customers, businesses, institutions and government clients. JP Morgan Chase has strong liquidity and capital. According to annual report 2016, the capital ratio has reached to over 15%, far more beyond the Basel
JPMorgan Chase is one of the oldest financial services company dating back over 200 years. It has $2 trillion in assets and operations in more than 60 countries. JPMC’s corporate strategy is it provides services and products in major capital markets. JPMorgan Chase, well known nationally and globally, is leading in investment banking, financial services for consumers, small business and commercial banking, financial transaction processing, asset management, and private equity.
J.P. Morgan started his banking career in 1856 in his father's bank in London, but moved a year later to New York City to work at the banking house of Duncan, Sherman & Company. From 1864-1871 Morgan was a member of Dabney, Morgan & Company. In 1871, he partnered up with Anthony Drexel a Philadelphia banker to form a private merchant banking partnership in New York, called Drexel, Morgan & Co that would later become the most powerful investment bank in the world with access to the world's principal money centers. In 1895, it became J.P. Morgan & Co., and had close ties with Drexel & Co. of Philadelphia, Morgan, Harjes & Co. of Paris, and J.S. Morgan & Co. (after 1910 Morgan, Grenfell & Co.), of London. (J.P. Morgan Chase, 2007).
JPMorgan Chase is amongst the big four banks in the U.S. with Bank of America, CitiGroup, and Wells Fargo. According to Bloomberg, in of October 2011 they surpassed Bank of America as the largest bank by assets. JPMorgan Chase & Co is considered to be a universal bank.
The Competitive Profile Matrix indicates that JPMorgan Chase has the highest weighted score of 2.81 which is an indication that they are leading in the Banking industry over Bank of America with a score of 2.65 and Wells Fargo in third place with a score of 2.51. None of the three banking institutions fell below the average of 2.5 which is considered a weak position. Some of the contributing factors are as follows: On Financial Strength in 2015 JP Morgan Chase had assets of 2.39 trillion dollars, and Bank of America’s assets was at 2.17 trillion dollars, while Wells Fargo trailed with assets of 1.44 trillion dollars. On Technology initiatives, in addition to the large amounts of resources assigned to banking technology, JP Morgan Chase has a technology budget of 500 million dollars for Cyber Security; Bank of America invested 400 million, while Wells Fargo spent 250 million on Cyber Security.
The American Express company also known as Amex, it is an American multinational corporation. The company was eventually started as an express mail business in Buffalo, New York. It was formed as a joint stock corporation through the merger of express companies owned by Henry Wells( Wells Company), William G. Fargo (Livingston, Fargo and company)and John Warren Butterfield (Wells, Butterfield and company).