I – Immediate Issues or Problems: Cheap Pharma Inc., a pharmaceutical company specializing in generic drugs, had been suffering low sales in the past months because of fierce competition from other generic drug brands. II – Basic Issues or Associated Issues: Mr. De Guzman member of the board of directors of Cheap Pharma Inc. and two others was looking for other ways to make profit by improving the company’s product line. They proposes to buy shares of stocks of Green Med , an insolvent pharmaceutical company whose claims to fame is its innovative use of lagundi leaves in its cough syruo. According to Mr. De Guzman, Cheap Pharma Inc. can make use of GreenMeds’s patents and develop new products which incorporate traditional herbals medicine with Cheap Pharma’s existing product line. However, before Cheap …show more content…
It is the company itself which can take enforcement action against a director if there has been a breach of duty. The decision to start proceedings against a director would be made by the board or, in an insolvency situation, a liquidator. In certain circumstances and subject to certain hurdles, an individual shareholder or group of shareholders can also bring a claim against a director for breach of duty on behalf of the company (known as a derivative action). Obligations are also imposed on you as a director from other sources beyond the main companies legislation. Some examples are: • A director owes a duty of confidentiality to his or her company and must use or disclose the company’s confidential information only for the benefit of the company. • Directors are responsible for ensuring that the company complies with its obligations relating to the health, safety and welfare at work of its workers, under health and safety legislation. • Similarly, obligations arise under environmental legislation and anti-corruption
During the 1920s the American people led themselves to their economic demise. In America, the Great Depression occurred during the 1930s after the crash of the stock market. “The Roaring Twenties”, which occurred before the Great Depression, was a time when the assembly line created more jobs and money to be used. This new economic prosperity, brought about the stock market, in which hundreds of Americans put in their money in hopes of their company making profits. The Great Depression was caused by stockholders using more money then they could pay back, workers using the non-shameful credit to buy products, which led Americans into debt, and the lack of demand, when there was an increase in supplies.
I think Big Pharma companies skew their data very regularly. Although this is not ethical, it's practiced in this field because there is a certain probability calculated as it relates to side effects and ineffectiveness. For instance when we take Tylenol as a child we eventually become tolerant to the dosage. As we get older we need to increase the dosage even more than is advertised to get relief. The Pharma companies do not advertise that ALL pills have a toxicity level and will affect our organs at some point in time. Each pill is tested for toxicity levels before being released to the public. With that said, these companies take on a certain amount of acceptable risk when producing medication. The public has accepted this risk with
Despite the reason of resignation, dead, or disqualified, the directors of New Zealand companies can also be removed from office in accordance with the Companies Act 1993 (NZ) or the constitution of the company. There are some significant changes in the provisions that regulate the removal of a director in New Zealand in recent times. Before the Companies Act 1993 (NZ), company law in New Zealand was regulated in the Companies Act 1955 (NZ). In the older Act, a director of a public company could be removed at any time by an ordinary resolution of members despite anything contained in the company’s constitution or in any agreement between the director and the company. In addition,
On september 2nd 2011, a Twenty-four year old man from cincinnati named Kyle Willis´ fell victim to the corruption of the pharmaceutical industry(Gann, Carrie). Willis had a severe toothache on his wisdom tooth that resulted in its extraction. After the surgery, Willis´s face started to swell and was sent to the emergency room. He was prescribed antibiotic medications and also painkillers in order to follow standard recovery procedure. Kyle Willis’ could not afford both drugs so he just purchased the pain killers because of the swellings unbearable pain. The infection continued to spread into his brain which lead to severe brain swelling and eventually Kyle Willis’ death. Kyle Willis’ died because he could not afford the medication that would have saved his life. There are many other people that can 't afford the drugs they need, which results them losing their lives. According to harvard studies, over 45,000 people annually die due to lack of health care coverage(Harvard Gazette). According to their studies, those who are privately insured have 40% chance less of dying than those who have insufficient funds(Harvard Gazette). The monopoly and corruption of the pharmaceutical industry is un-american and inhumane because it causes the middle class to not receive the help they need to recover.
In the video Escape Fire, I was so flabbergasted by the numbers and health outcomes we as a society have let our nation become. One of the most heart-wrenching evidence is, even though our health care industry is so expensive our health outcomes are the worse. 75% of disabilities and dead’s are preventable, according to the film.
With soaring medication prices, many drug manufactures have the aspiration to increase profits, which have the effect of rising drugs cost and concerning for Americans. Fortunately, both Democrats and Republican have illustrated interest in passing Prescription Drug Affordability Act of 2015. Captivatingly, the act will allow Medicare to consult manufacturers and set affordable prices. Many have also requested to allow of purchasing medication from Canada which currently has lower drug cost. Reports often appear in the popular press about American consumers who go to Canada or Mexico to buy their prescription drugs at a fraction of what they would pay in U.S. pharmacies, even though doing so is illegal (1). By contrast, the United States leads
The Medicines Company used the saying “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure,” to the next level. It essentially took what other pharmaceutical companies place on the shelves and never use again as their next product which becomes a money maker. The idea is a great idea if it is well executed. The company cannot take just any type of drug and try to execute it pouring in millions of dollars’ worth of research and development because if the product is not chosen carefully, the product will fail. A simple failure for a drug that was not carefully selected, can damage the company’s image and reputation.
Second, provisions such as section 588G may be deterring qualified people from becoming company directors and the provisions may be having this effect precisely in relation to those companies in financial difficulties which require the best possible expert assistance from directors.
In this case for me one of the company's problem is the low income to their company which must solve the problem of management to have a good image of the company concerned. Cheap Pharma provides a way to reach them have a big income due to gradual collapse of their sales as a result desired by Mr. de Guzman and the other two board of directors agreed to buy shares of stocks of Green Med where it has the boost to help build a unique products that can provide big profits for their company.
The company secretary plays a vital role in supporting the board’s effectiveness by observing the company policy and procedures are followed, and coordinating the timely delivery and the agenda of the Board of Directors and physical conference.
The Director for Health and Safety is responsible for all the concerns linking to health and safety and the wellbeing of workers and those influenced by the corporation’s procedures.
Pricing issues in the pharmaceutical industry is a huge problem in the world today. There are four main issues that cause the prices to be higher than they need to be. These issues are Cost, Value, Power, and Insurance.
The branded pharmaceutical firms account for more than 50% of worldwide pharmaceutical sales. Thus they make huge profits. These profits can be used to fund hospitals in poor areas. This will not only give the firms respect but also a good recognition. Generic medicines are cheap and easily available. Though they may not be effective, but they serve the purpose for the poor. Some generic medicines may not give the desired results but the major diseases which occur among the poor people can be treated with generic medicines.
When an established multinational pharmaceutical company shows signs of early trouble, the sales and net revenue are falling, stock value is heading southwards and there is
It is essential that the role, duties and responsibilities of directors are clearly defined. The Combined Code (2006) states that “the board’s role is to provide entrepreneurial leadership of the company within a framework of prudent and effective controls which enables risk to be assessed and managed”.