
Case Study Deontological Viewpoint

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Deontological Viewpoint 1. Aboriginal rights versus rights of a minor: Do you worry it is a slippery slope to paternalistic western thinking? The Deontological viewpoint places views decisions as being ethical through the intrinsic nature of the action rather than on the end results of such actions (Edge & Groves, 2006, p. 38). Being a minor, the rights of the child were placed into the hands of her parents. The parent in this case had a duty to protect her child and make the best informed choices and decisions regarding to health related issues for her. At the same time, the mother has a duty as a member to the Mohawk Nation to follow traditional ways of life regarding health and treatment. The hospital on the hand resembles the paternalistic western thinking and their duty was to the patient and not the family per se. The duty of the hospital to the patient is to provide them with the best care possible while also not limiting their autonomy. In a way there is some kind of aggression to what the hospitals feel is vital to the survival for this child, while respecting the rights of the parents to refuse chemotherapy. So there is somewhat of an underlying slippery slope in regards to this issue especially when it has the potential to infringe upon the personal …show more content…

As noted by Edge & Groves (2006), “obligation is grounded not in the nature of man or in the circumstances of the world but in pure reason” (p. 38). Although he may not feel that it is the correct choice, it was definitely not a place where his personal views could interject his duty as a judge. His decision was absolutely necessary to prevent McMaster Children’s hospital and the Children’s Aid Society to intervene on the parent’s autonomy. Although in knowing that traditional methods of healing treatment for the young child would lead to her demise, the judge has to respect the parent’s decision in the

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