
Case Study : Kaylie A. Kaylie Essay

Decent Essays

CASE STUDY: KAYLIE A. Kaylie is in the third grade at Newport Intermediate School. She is nine years old. She has been labeled with a mild mental disability. Through observation, it is apparent that Kaylie is shy and exhibits introverted behaviors with both her peers and her teachers. When working in a group, Kaylie will not participate without explicit prompts and cues from her teachers. She rarely speaks to her peers. She does have one friend in her class, Hailey, who she will speak to and play with during recess time. When she is presented with a question, Kaylie appears to think about the question being asked, but fails to respond during nearly 90% of observed instances. Although Kaylie is reserved, her facial expressions and general demeanor is kind and compassionate of others. She is never aggressive to her peers and exhibits a good sense of manners (saying please, thank you, I’m sorry, etc.) After speaking with Kaylie’s mother, Shannah, she has stated that Kaylie has low self-esteem. Shannah has stated that Kaylie struggles with thinking others are judging her. This negative self-esteem directly influences her participation in classroom activities. Overall Kaylie’s academic skills are within the low range. After being administered the Kaufmann Test of Educational Achievement 3, it was noted that when compared to similar aged peers Kaylie’s written expression, spelling, reading comprehension, fluency and decoding skills are well below the average range. In the

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