
Case Study Notes : The Case Of The Headless Corpse

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ANT 2511: Biological Anthropology Name: Ali Kanaan 08-29-17CASE STUDY #1: The Case of the Headless CorpseTo prepare for this case study, please read:1. The Scientific Method. (availableas pdf on course BB)2. “The Case of the Headless Corpse” (This is Chapter 5 in Bass and Jefferson’s Death’s Acre; available as pdf on course BB); 3. Read/ view the materials in the online resources for Chapter 1 in our text (Jurmain et al), particularly the sections on critical thinkingand the Scientific Method.Answer the following questions. Note that you are able to write more than the spaces provided (download this document from BlackBoard and type on it)!1. There are typically four steps …show more content…

The pelvis was short and sharply angled and the femoral head measured 50 millimeters, indicating the body was a male. In addition to gender, Dr. Bass and his colleagues observed that the sternal end of the clavicle was fully fused and the pubic symphysis had a rough bumpy service. This meant the body was in its late twenties, between ages 26-29. They observed the left and right femur to measure approximately 490 millimeters, indicating the male was between 5’9 and 6’0 feet tall. They observed no signs of trauma to the bones, but by the color of flesh and state of decomposition, the estimated time of death was between 2-6 months. Step 2: Formulation of an hypothesis to explain the phenomena. In physics, the hypothesis often takes the form of a causal mechanism or a mathematical relation. What hypothesis/hypotheses did Dr. Bass and colleagues make to explain their observations? : The following statement is the hypothesis Dr. Bass andhis colleagues made to explaintheir observations. The body found within thegrave of Colonel Shy belonged to a male who was in his late twenties and stood between 5’9 and 6’0 tall. The male was a murder victim who died between 2-6 months ago.Step 3. Use of the hypothesis to predict the existence of other phenomena, or to predict quantitatively the results of new observations. What predictions did Dr. Bass and

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