
Case Study Of CBT And GAD

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The goal of this randomized clinical trial was to investigate whether CBT or MM is more effective in causing significant reduction of symptoms in GAD at pre-treatment, post-treatment, and follow-up time points. We hypothesized that MM and CBT would both reduce GAD symptoms; however, CBT would be more effective than MM. The results replicate earlier findings (Tovote, Fleer, Snippe, Bas, Links, Emmelkamp, Sanderman & Schroevers, 2013) by indicating that patients with GAD show decrease in worry-related symptoms with CBT, which supports the hypothesis. Findings displayed that both treatments led to significant improvements from pre-to post- treatment, as well as follow-up. We based the efficacy of the treatments, CBT and MM, by using the BAI …show more content…

Results from this randomized clinical trial of CBT and MM for GAD, CBT demonstrate that subjects in the study experienced a significant decrease in anxiety, worry, and further depressive symptoms, compared to the MM group. Subjects may have felt more motivated to carry-on and practice the skills learned from CBT treatment group in order to decrease negative symptoms of GAD. CBT as an acute intervention for adult anxiety disorders (Hofmann & Smits, 2008). This study has several limitations. The sample was predominantly White, and in each treatment group, subjects decided to not continue to participate in the study. The common reported reason was feeling overwhelmed, unmotivated, and the inability to keep up with the assignments. In this study, we conducted the ADIS-5. The interview involved the use of an audiotaped recording and a psychologist in order to establish a diagnosis. The results of the ADIS-IV could have been influenced by demand characteristics. The interviewer can provide some biases because their expectations regarding the diagnosis of subjects can create a demand. A better approach should have been to have each assessor administer separate interviews. GAD is a highly comorbid disorder; therefore this study’s main strength is that we investigated subjects with no comorbidities. We recruited a large sample size which helps identify whether the treatments are beneficial for those with GAD. Also, we

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