
Case Study Of Cox's Amended Complaint

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On December 27, 2016, Plaintiff filed his Amended Complaint and named Neven, Nash, Pugh, and Rainone as defendants. Again, Plaintiff never named Cox as a defendant, despite being listed as a defendant for Count VI. Plaintiff did not serve Neven, Nash, and Pugh until May 10, 2017, which is 134 days from the time the Amended Complaint was filed. Defendants Cox and Rainone have yet to be served. Plaintiff will not be able to show good cause as to why service was not completed within 120 days. Furthermore, Plaintiff attempted to make a motion to extend time to serve, but Plaintiff did not file it as required by Eighth Judicial District Court Rules. Plaintiff offered no memorandum of authority and only stated his reasoning for an extension. Pursuant

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