
Case Study Of Euphorbia

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An unusual case of Euphorbia.tirucalli sap poisoning
ABSTRACT: Euphorbia .tirucalli sap is extremely irritating to the skin and mucosa .on accidental exposure it causes vesication in the skin and inflammation involving eye sight in the eyes. On oral ingestion, it acts as an irritant, causing vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions and coma. It is used as a local irritant application for procuring criminal abortion, but rarely for homicidal and suicidal purposes.
We came across a case of oral consumption of sap of Euphorbia .tirucalli for suicidal purpose. Patient responded to supportive treatment and recovered over a week without any sequalae. This case highlights the fact that, even though Euphorbia .tirucalli sap poisoning is very rare, these patients …show more content…

Euphorbia tirucalli (E.tirucalli) is also known as Indian Tree Sponge, Milk Hedge, Fire stick Plant, Pencil tree (2).
Euphorbium is an acrid milky juice exuded from stems of various euphorbius plants belonging to Euphorbiaceae. The toxic part is latex. Toxins differ based on species (1).The latex of E.trucalli contains poly cyclic diterpene esters (3).
The latex on oral ingestion acts as an irritant causing vomiting, diarrhea, burning sensation in the abdomen, convulsion and coma. Irritant toxins indirectly stimulate contraction of the gastrointestinal smooth muscles by mechanical irritation. Skin exposure produces an irritant dermatitis and ocular exposure causes an irritant keratoconjuctivitis. Our patient had gastro intestinal symptoms (vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain).Management includes symptomatic and supportive care (1). In Europe veterinary practitioner used this sap as vesicant. One to four drops of the juice is used as a purge. Twig of the plant is used as a local irritant for procuring criminal abortion

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