
Case Study: Rivera V. US

Satisfactory Essays

There are 4 Ps. Ps claim they were unlawfully detained by MOS and falsely arrested on drug charges. Ps allege that they live in a three family private house with apartments on 3 floors. Ps allege that the first floor apartment was of P Yolanda Lopez; second floor apartment was of P Yvonne (non-party), and basement apartment was of Evelyn Lopez and her 17 year old daughter, Karina Lopez. Ps Rafael Rivera and Erin Morales were staying on the first floor. P Rivera alleges that MOS entered the house and order him to get to his knee and P Rivera complied. P Rivera alleges that while he was on his knees MOS struck P Rivera in the face with the riot shield. P Evelyn Lopez alleges that defendant MOS Anthony Hughes grabbed her arm and struck her face against a wall and illegally searched her basement apartment. Defendant MOS John Natoli stated that the search warrant applied to all floors because each family has access other family’s …show more content…

Defendant MOS Vizcarrondo stated he was the first officer enter and identified himself NYPD and order P Rivera, subject of the investigation, to get on the ground instead Rivera ran toward MOS Vizcarrondo striking his bunker then fell on the ground causing injury to his left

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