
Case Study: The RP Should NOT Be Allowed In The Home

Satisfactory Essays

The reporting party (RP) stated on 12/08/15 he arrived at the facility at approximately 5:30PM to pick up his 19 month old son Neil. Upon knocking on the door the RP inquired about his son and was told that he was napping. The RP stated he wanted to come into the home and obtain his son without waking him. According to the RP the licensee refused to let him into the home after requesting four different times to be allowed in the home. The RP was told there were two other children crying and required her attention. The licensee closed the door on the RP and within a few moments arrived at the door carrying the RP son. The RP was upset due to the licensee not allowing him to retrieve his son without waking him waking him. The RP gave the licensee

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