
Case Study : The Resource Development Division, Responsible For The Annual Campaign

Decent Essays

The Resource Development Division, responsible for the Annual Campaign, scheduled events that resulted in continuous activities throughout the year. Announced in the spring, the chairman for the campaign began to assemble a group of people, referred to as a cabinet, to assist the chairman throughout the season. Once selected, the cabinet began meeting and training. UWPC held its big annual kickoff during the first week of September and ran until mid-November. A pacesetter campaign was a UW employee campaign that is conducted and completed before the official campaign kick-off. A few pacesetter companies started their campaigns in August.
The campaign cabinet divided the different employers based on the type of business or service …show more content…

Nationally, United Way is best known for its annual campaign, but another significant contribution to the community is its guidance in volunteerism. Created in 1985 the Volunteer Services Division was a result of the Board’s goal to enhance the community’s volunteer capacity. Five primary programs in 1990 included: Volunteer Action Center (VAC), Youth Connection, Management Assistance Program (MAP), Gifts-In-Kind, and Business Volunteer Council. Administered by UWPC staff, the Volunteer Services Division was responsible for three programs, VAC, MAP, and Youth Volunteer Leadership Development. Renamed the Volunteer Center in 1995, the VAC served as a clearinghouse for adult volunteers, linking them with non-profit organizations in need. In 1990 VAC referred 703 volunteers for 168 agencies. Selected as a model for the state, the mission in this area expanded in 1991. VAC collaborated with KSSN 96, a local radio station, to recognize a volunteer of the week. Also, the JC Penny Golden Rule Award annually recognized volunteers from member agencies with an award and gift.
Youth Connection placed 511 youth volunteers with sixty-five agencies in 1990 contributing more than 10,000 hours of service. 1991 was a significant year for the award-winning Youth Connection program. Appointed as a charter member of Road Warriors, Joe Geevargbese, Little Rock Catholic High School student and President of the Youth Connection Council met in Washington, D.C.,

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