
Casey Anthony Research Paper

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Casey Anthony should have gone to jail for the murder of her daughter of two years. The

jury ruled her not guilty, but I do not see how with all the evidence that they had. With the

evidence that I will provide, it is clear that Casey Anthony should have been guilty.

Casey Anthony gave birth to Caylee Marie Anthony on August 9, 2005. “On June 9,

2008 Casey Anthony claims that her two year old is missing in Orange County, Florida. Anthony

later tells police that she dropped her off at a baby-sitter’s apartment.”(CNN) The authorities

have plenty of evidence linking her to the murder. The jury ended up claiming not guilty of 1st

degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child, and guilty of

providing false …show more content…

“August 27,

2008 the Sherriff’s department says a sample of the air from the trunk of Anthony’s car shows

that it once held a decomposing body.”(CNN) This means that there must have been some kind

of rotting body in her car. I would assume that it was her daughter. So someone with access to

her car used it to put a dead body in there. How else would there be evidence of a decomposing

body in her trunk? Casey even abandoned her car and then her mother found it and said that it

smelled like there has been a dead body in the car. Why would she abandon her car? Sounds

suspicious does it not? She has solid evidence on her saying she had at least a part in it.

Casey’s actions a few days before Caylee was reported missing should tell you that she

was not concerned with her daughter. Casey Anthony had been out partying and getting tattoos.

She got a tattoo that said “Bella Vita”, which means “beautiful life” in Italian. Someone had also

searched a website about the toxic chemical chloroform, and chloroform was found in the trunk

of her car. All this tells me that someone in the family had to of done it. With all this

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