
Cash : An Incentive For Good Grades

Satisfactory Essays

Cash: An Incentive for Good Grades Over decades now, cash has been used as an incentive for good grades. This deed may seem unjust, but has worked its way up until the twenty-first century. These acts should come to a complete stop because, education in America has not been as crucial as in other countries. Harvard study shows that almost all minority children who have been suspended before, did better when they were given incentives, even though the sample only ranged from five-hundred kids. Some of the students do not have the desire of pursuing a prestigious career because it can be hard to undergo or it may take a lot of time. However, a lot of students are not considering the importance of education now that is where people believe that cash for good grades will eliminate the problem. Although, many others believe that cash is just use an incentive and it will spoil the student’s attitude toward education. Cash for good grades is an incentive which causes pressure on children as well as parents. Therefore, parents may use the alternatives instead which include teaching moral values, acknowledging hard work over the outcome. Mostly when the kids know they are going to get money for their good grades, they don’t actually learn. They will focus more on the outcomes and will not be creative. “Once they start receiving money, they always will have money in their mind.” Since many people nowadays use cash to

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