
Catcher In The Rye Meaning

Decent Essays

This poem relates to me because it was talking about how they are determined to show people the best of them. Something I want to stride myself to do it get all A’s freshman and sophomore year. They reason why is that if I do my dad said that he would help me buy my first car. I really want a white and matte black jeep wrangler with really big tires. A jeep is something that I have always wanted. Jeeps are really cool cars that me and my cousins who are around the same age have always wanted. So we can drive around with them together. Another thing is that I have always wanted to get a 4.0 for a year. When I was in middle school I have gotten close, but I kinda let my emotions get to me and that kinda made me fall behind. So I wanna really prove to myself and to my parents that I can keep a 4.0 through this year or really close. …show more content…

I have a big heart for animals and I would really like to work with them. The one thing that i want to become is a vet. The problem is I have a weak spot for watching and having to put an animal down. But as I grew up I have always told myself you are doing it for a reason. They are either in pain that won't go away or they will be in a better place where they don't have to suffer anymore from any type of hurt. Also being a vet has a good side to it also, because you can save animals that have an illness that can be cured with a shot and some medicine. Also there are many opportunities that come with being a vet. There are veterinary pharmaceutical sales companies, feed companies, wildlife agencies, laboratories, and academic institutions. Also vets never stop learning new things there are a lot of new tech that is coming out that can help vets and there are new ways to make sure your furry client is treated to the

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