
Categorical Imperative Essay

Decent Essays

When analyzing moral theories, the reader should know that morals pertains to ethics and understand the basis behind its meaning. According to Merriam-Webster (n.d.), moral is defined as what is considered as right and wrong by most people and agreeing with a standard of right behavior. Reviewing the various normative theories of moral frameworks, the two that were approximal to my personal philosophy are Stoic Virtue Ethics and Categorical Imperative. In this article, the two frameworks will be compared and contrasted relating to my philosophy of living a virtuous life through helping others with no benefit of gaining something in return. In addition, living a life that we treat others in a respectful manner, so they return the same action. Once the theories are analyzed, the goal is to determine if there are similarities to my personal philosophy or a drastic difference from what is considered as …show more content…

Nagel continues, if a person believe they can get away with an action that is usually considered wrong, what prevents them from doing other actions such as killing, stealing, or harming someone (Cahn, 2013). Morality is thought to apply to everyone, but for obvious reasons, as Nagel (1987) stated, some individuals are very selfish and may only care about themselves or only those close to them (Cahn, 2013). Nagel (1987) continues with the notion, in the general argument that if an individual for some reason cares about the feelings of others, then their motives to be selfish or doing something in general that is considered wrong, would be diminished. When our own interests are threatened, the argument is supposed to provoke the feeling of “how would you like it if someone did that to you?”, so others are considerate of their actions, to hopefully prevent a “wrong” behavior (Cahn,

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