
Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections

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Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections

The purpose of this paper is to identify an issue identified by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing NCLEX examination blueprint. The identified issue that I will be addressing for this paper is catheter associated urinary tract infections and is under the category of safety and infection control; according to (INSERT NCSBN CITATION) this issue falls under the overview of safe and effective care for patients. The importance of addressing this issue is one that can potentially aid in the patient having a higher satisfaction rate for the facility and the facility not potentially having to pay for services not covered by insurance after the infection develops. …show more content…

Taking a look at the patients that have increased rates tend to be of female gender due to the shortened urethra which allows the bacteremia to travel at a shorter distance than that of males, some of the other risk factors for higher catheter associated urinary tract infections include patients that are of older age, prolonged catheterization and impaired immunity (Conway, Larson 2012). With respect to cultural values that may affect this situation they are none that I could find correlating with catheter associated hospital infections. Proposed Solution
Through extensive research into catheter associated urinary tract infections there are many different approaches to reducing the modifiable risk factors and the incidence of catheter associated urinary tract infections in the hospital setting that can be used in any unit to reduce the liability of catheter associated urinary tract infections. According to (Gesmundo, 2016)) the prolonging of the catheter removal is one of the major reasons for catheter associated urinary tract infections. When adopting the principles of how to lower the rate the success begins at the time of admission and

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