
Catholic Church Annotation

Decent Essays

In a recent event in Rome, Pope Francis was faced with the question on whether he would consider the ordaining of female deacons in the Roman Catholic Church. While addressing the 900 superiors of women’s religious orders he vowed that he was in agreement and would consider it. This is a decision that I am in agreement with and feel that it is long overdue for a myriad of reasons.
Pope Francis’ papacy began on March 13, 2013 and he vowed to be open to new and fresh ideas to help the Catholic Church become more appealing to those in the 21st century. In vowing to seriously consider the female deacon he is proving to be true to his word, an item one would believe to be de facto with his position. The immediate support for his mention proved this notion worthy and would generate an immediate ground swell of young Christian women without a denomination to at least take a more serious look at Catholicism and it’s teachings. The shear fact that he is even considering this is a huge change in a Church that only recently, with Pope Francis’ mention, acknowledged the huge role that women play in Catholic life. …show more content…

A female deacon would finally bring the female perspective to the ministry while still continuing to carry on the rich tradition of a Church that began in the 1st Century AD. The Bible even references in Romans 16:1 a woman named Phoebe as “deacon”, trying to distinguish a female participant as more than a women follower. This history combined with a fresh messenger is needed in the US as well as all countries and Pope Francis has vowed to consider and follow

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