
Catholic Church Death Penalty Essay

Decent Essays

The Death Penalty
The death penalty is a highly controversial issue that has been constantly debated in history. From the King Hammaurabi of Babylon, who codified the death penalty for 25 different crimes, the crucifixion of Jesus and the recent dispute of the Bali nine; the death penalty has been prominent throughout history for thousands of years. Yet over time, people have begun to question the effectiveness of the death penalty in communities and in this modern age we are confronted with the question of whether it is okay to take someone’s life if it is justified by their crimes. To answer this question, we turn to the Catholic Church to guide us in how to make informed decisions that directly affect others and our conscience.
The use of execution as a punishment is used in several countries around the world for various reasons. In the majority of cases, the death penalty is used for very extreme crimes that would otherwise result in the use of a prison sentence until death. However, several nations are strongly opposed to it because of the negativity that taking an individual’s life can impose onto societies. To help us make an educated decision about the use of the death penalty, the Catholic Church encourages people to look at each perspective about the issue.
Many arguments in contradiction of the death penalty look at the spiritual and ethical side of the issue. By taking a human beings life, we as communities along with our conscious, …show more content…

With the help of prayer, we can connect with God, and help ourselves make informed decisions, keeping in mind what God would want us to do. By taking time to connect and listen to God, we ask for guidance and the help of the Holy Spirit to aid us in making informed decisions, and in time, we find ourselves able to show the love and forgiveness Jesus taught

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