
Catholic School Students

Better Essays

Catholic School Students
Kyle Dorosz
Composition 160
Professor C. Smith
March 31, 2011

Abstract I went out to find what students thought about a catholic education. I wanted to see how students thought a catholic education compared to other educations. I went out and interview multiple people who had some sort of catholic education background. Some were catholic students their whole life and some had transferred between catholic schools and public schools. From the interview I had a lot of information that I compared, and was able to make a conclusion.

Catholic schools are often thought of as prestiges and vigorous, but how do the students feel about this view on catholic education. The students are the ones that have the …show more content…

Having all the research agree adds a lot of strength to the argument that catholic schools have a more effective result on students. These facts are especially true when the results come first hand from students who have experienced both types of education.
Interpretation of Findings: With this yield of research results it is clear that these

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