
Causality Vs Free Will Essay

Decent Essays

Free will is freedom of the mind from causal determination. Many advocates of free will argue the irrelevancy of the law of causality: “Every effect must have a cause; the same cause always produces the same effects.” Since a choice is not an effect, advocates of free will argue that the law of causality is irrelevant; however, it must be recognized that the one’s choices are limited by their heritage and environment. Moreover, a choice is affected by what one desires, which we affirmed were determined by heritage and experience; therefore, we can soundly conclude that one’s choice is determined. Imagine that your actions are determined by the roll of a six-sided die; if it comes up six, you raise your right hand. Now suppose that all six faces of the die have a six on them. It is clear in this case that you are devoid of free will; however, it is believable that you are also devoid of free will if each side has a different action on them. The side upon which the die will land can be determined if we know which height and side at which the die falls onto the ground; for that will determine the direction in which it will rebound. Physics can determine which side the die will land, which indubitably warrants belief in the notion that your actions are determined in this instance, as in all others; for the laws of nature are determined and fixed entities.
Our current conception of our ability to know the truth is “seemingly” ridden with flaws if determinism is applied to it. In this case, if we …show more content…

It has been demonstrated that humans are a product of their heritage and experiences, each of which shapes their desires. Moreover, it was shown that our desires determine our actions and that free will is nonexistent. Therefore, human actions are determined by desires shaped by the orchestration of heritage and

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