
Cause And Effect Essay On Scarlet Fever

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You have a fever of 102 degrees or higher. It hurts to move, because you have a sandpaper-like rash, it feels as almost youre burning from the inside out. You have side effects like nausea, vomiting, headache, swollen glands, body aches, and even the horrible ¨strawberry tongue¨. This sickness is definitely something you would pay money for to never have again, as this is very serious and not something to take lightly. This is know as the Scarlet Fever. In the 1800s, the scarlet fever was basically known as a death sentence.
¨One of the most dreaded diseases of childhood¨. This disease is so severe that it causes death in a short amount of time or gives rise to even more severe complications. In the seventeenth century, this disease was separated from other infections, especially the measles, but remained for the nineteenth century. The fatality of this disease depends upon the virulence of the Scarlet Fever organism. Death from the Scarlet Fever varies from one to fifteen percent. This deadly diseases is definitely not something that people took lightly, that is rather a good thing though.
The cause of the scarlet fever is actually rather complicated. Scientist are mostly sure that Streptococci are almost constantly found in the throat and blood of Scarlet Fever patients. They say it is caused by an infection with the group A beta hemolytic streptococcus. Which is usually transmitted by respiratory droplets. The period of incubation varies, but it generally lasts from 3 to

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