
Cause And Effect Of A Concussion

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A concussion may also be known as a mild traumatic brain injury which is caused by a disturbance in the brain which results from trauma that has been transmitted to the brain either indirectly or directly. The brain is composed of soft tissue which is supported by spinal fluid and it is protected with a hard skull so that when a person gets injured in the head area, it allows the brain to slightly move around inside the skull. A person may get concussion when the brain hits against the skull which can lead to bruising of the brain, injury to the nerves and tearing of blood vessels. A concussion is generally classified into three different grades, this includes; Grade 1 concussion is mild which does not result in a loss of consciousness but starts to have symptoms that last for around 15 minutes, Grade 2 concussion is moderate and does not result in a loss of consciousness but symptoms will start to last for a longer period of time, usually around 20 minutes and lastly Grade 3 is server and the person loses consciousness for a short period of time. For example if an athlete gets knocked over by another player due to the force exerted on them, as there head hits the ground, the forward momentum then causes the brain to move within the skill which leads to signs and symptoms of concussion. Identify the symptoms of a concussion and the potential complications following a concussion

There are many signs and symptoms of a concussion which include:
Blurred vision

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