
Cause Of Ww1 Research Paper

Decent Essays

Causes of WW1 essay This all started on a nice day during June 28, 1914; With the assassination of the archduke of Austria-Hungary Franz Ferdinand. After that, everything went into complete anarchy. Then the Great War broke out, making things even more difficult than they are; And finally, tension broke out between nations. Tension is not the only thing that occurred between the nations, though. Many other problems broke out, and only one can contribute to the final answer. Alliances were one of the three main issues in WW1. War broke out in 1914, and suddenly all of the nations were picking sides with each other. After that the Triple Alliance was formed, consisting of Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary. Shortly after the Triple Alliance was formed, France, Russia, and Great Britain came together to form the Triple Entente. After about 2 months, everything fell apart when the nations started getting suspicious of one another and started pointing fingers towards one another. The real direction they should be pointing their fingers to is peace, not each other. Militarism was another major problem in WW1. With the sudden growth in armies and the amount of tension running through the air, something was bound to happen, and it did. With England suddenly increases its colonial empire, borderlines between the …show more content…

Everyone way trying to snag a piece of land, or trying to swipe a free army. Imperialism had a big affect of England. They won land, took control of other governments, and became very wealthy will all the money from the losing side. In fact, they became so notorious, England became known as the ‘bloodsuckers of the world’. England even had control of most of the ocean areas. Germany became worried that England may try and launch an attack on German navy troops. Even though Germany had about 12 million colonies nearby, they stood no chance against England as they were

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