
Corruption In Kenya Essay

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Corruption as a norm has always existed in different forms, and is not determined by politics or geography. It exists in the rich and poor countries alike, it genuinely involves both individual States and international organizations and its costs are borne by its citizens. It affects the proper running of governments, distorts the correct functioning of economic and political institutions and hampers transparency; it exploits the human person for selfish interests, renders respect for rules obsolete and is a manifestation of structural sin. In our own locality in Kenya, citizens will complain about corruption in the high offices but will comfortably cheat each other in the market place. Public transport hikes rates at will without regard to the consequences on the most vulnerable. Big decisions affecting the citizenry are made at coffee tables in hotel lounges where “lobbying” means financial and political inducement. For every special interest bill that makes its way into parliament, members of Parliament seek to be sensitized in terribly expensive seaside resorts.

On top of this luxury, huge allowances are paid to members of parliament that attend these “awareness” workshops. (chweya, 2001-2004). Corruption has thus eaten into society that threatens to ravage the entire African governance system. Manifestations of corruption are limitless; its roots seem to be identifiable from the fallen nature of the human being. However, one hastens to add that a human being is

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