
Causes Of Discrimination In South Africa

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Although African nations didn't advocate for LGBTQ acceptance or tolerance, the majority of people didn't antagonize or disparage personal choices of others, because the tribes functioned more as a single unit with a singular goal rather than a class system as portrayed by the European Settlers. Along with their political norms, their ideologies, primarily of Christian belief systems, were imported as well. They were forced upon nationals bringing attention to and demonizing what up until then wasn't perceived as abnormal or deviant behavior. This methodology of divide and conquer was motivated by both religious and political end goals. Pitting natives against each other weakened the existing tribe structure, making it easier to assert dominance and eventual takeover. This period of conformity marked the beginning of recognized systemic discrimination against LGBTQ through the enactment of laws and embellishment of the new societal norms brought with the colonization. Relationships and actions that were largely tolerated if not celebrated became uncomfortable, abnormal and forbidden. This further helped to pit tribal members against each other, families against each other and communities against each other. Many of the existing anti-LGBTQ laws today are remnants from those settlement colonial times.
Prior to apartheid control, white supremacy and racial segregation was prime in South Africa and was greatly intensified thereafter. The vulnerable social and economic

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