
Causes Of Evil In Shooting An Elephant By George Orwell

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In our world, divine goodness and evil are present. As humans, we question what causes the evil in our lives. The answer is simple, ourselves and other humans. Individuals are constantly competing and pleasing one another. In our nature, we always want to be at the top, but what we do not understand is evil is the outcome of our actions. Our actions of evil are tied to three main causes: peer pressure, decision making, and aggression.
Peer Pressure: The social influence a peer group exerts on its individual members, as each member attempts to conform to the expectations of the group (The American Heritage® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition). Peer pressure causes individuals to want to please each other, so we follow others actions. Peer pressure dictates what decisions we make and bigger the crowd, the more pressure. The autobiographical short story, Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell, explains this in finer detail. In the story Orwell exclaims, ¨It seemed to me that it would be a murder to shoot him¨ (137). Orwell was a peaceful man, driven by the insane, yellow faces of Burma. George Orwell’s original thought being it would not be human to shoot an elephant, but then was swapped around by the Burmese as he sweat at the thought of murdering such a creature.The decision was not easy for Orwell, but the ¨ever-growing army of people¨, decided for him (Orwell 136). Not individually deciding for self, is the part of evil nature.
For another example, in the

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