
Causes Of False Confessions

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As previously stated in the article, there are multiple reasons as to why wrongful convictions may occur. To reiterate, some of these possible causes for erroneous convictions are: erroneous forensic science, inappropriate, professional and institutional misconduct, scientific limitations that plagued our society before the technologic revolution, racial bias, false confessions (usually due to the imposition of a plea bargain), eyewitness error, and sometimes very misleading jailhouse informants. False confessions will be the main focus of this discussion as they are one of the most blameworthy issues associated with causing wrongful convictions in the criminal justice system. Racial bias will also be discussed because although it may still be an ongoing issue at present, it was of much greater concern in the past which is when many of these newly exonerated prisoners were convicted. This leads to the belief that there are still many innocent persons imprisoned who, with the help of innocence projects and DNA technology may have the potential to also be exonerated. False Confessions. False confessions are commonly due to the imposing of plea bargains to those suspects potentially facing very lengthy and unjust sentences in which they become afraid of running the risk of losing their case and being sentenced to an even longer imprisonment. This causes these defendants to falsely confess to crime(s) they are innocent of in order to avoid harsher sentences. Also a large

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